The next Zuddha Level 2: 300 hour Yoga Teacher's Training courses:
Starting November 2015:
Starting June 2016:
Bija "the seed" part one:
We meditate, we integrate a standard Kriya sequence and continuously unravel challenging asana's and connect deeper with pranayama, discovering what a full traditional sadhana looks like. Quickly reviewing the basics of Philosophy we lay down more and more approaches to sharpen the mind and do regular kirtan and Mantra for devotion and concentration. We cover the basics of teaching methodolgy and go through all the adjustments for basic poses and how to sequence Classes, workshops and courses.
Bisala "the sprout " part two
We meditate longer, we take the Kriya's deeper while challenging our highest potential. Our pranayama becomes more and more profound as it becomes subtler. We are chanting sutra's and learning the ways to approach teaching and holding space with greater mastery. Our methodology is continuously expanding as we cover more and more poses, anatomy and different styles of practice.
Vrksa "the tree" part 3
By now we are going further with self-practice and learning how to hold the space of many varieties of practices. A large part of giving the shade as a tree involves practicing and refining our teaching technique so we will be teaching a lot, building voice sequencing and moods. We are also starting to lead group kirtan and will have a competent hold on philosophical understanding. Finally we are digging deep roots once our Initiation into Raja yoga takes our Sadhana to new depths. Finally we are ready for a final retreat in the forest to teach and practice all day offering our very own special class.
We are ready to bare the
The fruit Bhavya
そんな方の為に2015年11月より東京・池袋ニルヴァーナ・ヨガ・スタジオでZuddha YogaのTTCが開催されます。
RYT200をお持ちの方はこのTTC300時間を受講する事でRYT500の取得とZuddha Yogaの認定講師資格も取得出来ます。
受講資格:RYT200取得者(RYT500及びZuddha Yoga 正式指導者資格不要の方は定員の空きがあれば受講可能)
料金:TERM 1 / ¥180,000(税抜き) TERM 2 / ¥200,000(税抜き) TERM 3 / ¥260,000 卒業リトリート料金含む(税抜き)
総額:¥640,000(税抜き) 一括料金:¥600,000(税抜き)